School Board

Mission Statement

At ECS, we seek to be a solid academic foundation on which to build successful futures, by offering a safe and healthy learning environment that nurtures, inspires and challenges all students through our SOAR philosophy.

 Next  Board  Meetings:

January 8, 2025 6:00pm: Special Meeting with Executive Session ORS 192.660(2)(i)*

January 15, 2025 6:00 pm: Regular Meeting with Executive Session ORS 192.660(2)(i)*

*ORS 192.660(2)(i).: To review and evaluate the performance of the chief executive officer. When the board goes into executive session, the public will be asked to wait in the MP room and are welcome back to the meeting when the executive session portion is complete. Only general minutes will be made public from this portion of the meeting. If you have questions, please email or see the OSBA guidelines on board meetings here.

Meetings are held at Eddyville Charter School
Regular Board meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month
General Session Zoom Link
Passcode: 12345

School  Board  Members

Jenny Demaris Position 8 - expires 6/30/2027 - Madam Chairwoman | 
Email Jenny Demaris

Lynnesy Johnson  position 1- expires 6/30/2027 - Madam Vice Chairwoman | Email Lynnesy Johnson

Abe Silvonen position 7 - expires 6/30/2027 -  | 
Email Abe Silvonen

Kevin Rariden​
position 2  - expires 6/30/2027 -  |
Email Kevin Rariden​

Bruce Tompkins
position 3- expires 7/1/2026 -  | 
Email Bruce Tompkins

Charlie Russell
position 4 - expires 7/1/2026 |
Email Charlie Russell

Tony Pettis
position 5 - expires 7/1/2026   I   
Email Tony Pettis

​Eric Clendenin
- Interim Superintendent/Elementary Principal | 
Email Eric Clendenin

​Dani Ulstad
- School Board Clerk |
Email Dani Ulstad

Policies + Resources