Eddyville Charter School Board
Mission Statement
At ECS, we seek to be a solid academic foundation on which to build successful futures, by offering a safe and healthy learning environment that nurtures, inspires and challenges all students through our SOAR philosophy.
Policies + Resources
Next Board Meeting
Keep up with meetings, agendas and minutes in real time with our Board Book Account Here.
March 19, 2025 at 6:00pm at Eddyville Charter School: Regular Session
Packet | Zoom Link
Meetings are held at Eddyville Charter School, generally the 3rd Wednesday of the month
Missed the meeting? View past meeting recordings Here
Board Meeting Information
Board meetings are held 6:00pm the 3rd Wednesday of every month at Eddyville Charter School at 1 Eddyville School Road, Eddyville Oregon 97343 in classroom 108.
Starting February 2025, we will be utilizing Board Book. This is an online software that allows us to post meetings, publish agendas and minutes and run meetings smoothly and efficiently.
Board Packets: posted above at least 48 hours before the meeting, usually several days before. All agendas and meeting notices are published using Board Book.
Virtual Zoom Link: will be posted day-of the meeting above.
Meeting Recording: will be posted above within seven (7) days of the regular scheduled meeting per Oregon Law Senate Bill 1502. Executive sessions do not apply to this rule.
Meeting Minutes: will be posted within two days of the meeting in which they are approved.
Public Comment: From Policy BDDH-AR: The Board requests that a public comment add information or perspective on matters concerning the best interest of the school. To provide public comment in person, if the opportunity is available on the Board agenda, please complete and submit the Intent to Speak card to the Board secretary prior to the meeting. Those attending virtually and want to provide public comment should notify the Board secretary by submitting an email prior to the start of the meeting. A person speaking during the public comment portion of the meeting may comment on a topic either on or not on the published agenda. A person providing public comment will be allowed five minutes.
For full policy and information: See Eddyville Charter Policy Here | Public Comment AR and Intent to Speak (also available at meeting) Here
School Board Members and Admin Staff

Jenny Demaris Position 8 - expires 6/30/2027 - Madam Chairwoman | Email Jenny Demaris
Lynnesy Johnson position 1- expires 6/30/2027 - Madam Vice Chairwoman | Email Lynnesy Johnson
Abe Silvonen position 7 - expires 6/30/2027 - | Email Abe Silvonen
Kevin Rariden position 2 - expires 6/30/2027 - | Email Kevin Rariden
Bruce Tompkins position 3- expires 7/1/2026 - | Email Bruce Tompkins
Charlie Russell position 4 - expires 7/1/2026 | Email Charlie Russell
Tony Pettis position 5 - expires 7/1/2026 I Email Tony Pettis
Eric Clendenin - Interim Superintendent/Elementary Principal | Email Eric Clendenin
Karla Pearson- Secondary Principal/Athletic Director | Email Karla Pearson
Dani Ulstad - School Board Clerk | Email Dani Ulstad